Kansai Japan India Cultural Society


Nov.26, 2011


{Name and Office}

Article 1: The society concerned shall be called “Kansai Japan India Cultural Society”, and its office shall be situated inside Kobe City.  



Article 2: The Society shall aim to promote cultural exchanges between Japan and India, thus contributing to enhance mutual understanding and friendly ties between the two.



Article 3: In order to achieve the aim described in the previous article, the Society shall carry out the following works;

  1. The Society shall hold lectures, music concerts, dance programs and seminars, etc.
  2. The Society shall publish its bulletin and other publications.
  3. In addition, the Society shall carry out projects required to achieve its goal.



Article 4: Any individuals and groups approving the purport of the Society and wishing to join the Society shall be able to obtain its membership, with recommendation of more than 2 members of the Society and through approval of the Board of Directors.


{Member of the Board}

Article 5: The following executive members of the board shall be appointed in the Society. 

President       1

Vice Presidents2

 Directors    5 or more



2.  Directors and Auditors shall be selected in the General Assembly.

3.  President and Vice President shall be elected by mutual vote from among     the Directors.


{Term of office for members of the board}

Article 6 

  1. Term of office for members of the Board shall be 2 years, and they may be reelected.
  2. Term of a member of the Board who takes the office filling a vacancy as a substitute shall be the remaining period of the term for the predecessor.


{Work of Members of the Board}

Article 7

  1. The President shall represent the Society supervising the whole duty of the Society.
  2. The Vice President shall assist the President and shall be the Acting President of the Society when the President is unable to carry out his duties due to unavoidable circumstances
  3. The Directors shall constitute the Board of Directors and they shall carry out the works.  
  4. The Auditors shall inspect execution of duties and they shall audit accounts. 


{Senior Advisor}

Article 8:

The President shall be able to commission a Senior Advisor on the basis of recommendation by the Board of Directors.     



Article 9:

  1. Meetings of the Society shall comprise General Meeting and Board of Directors’ Meeting.
  2. The President shall convene General Meetings as well as Board of Directors’ Meetings.  The meetings shall be chaired by the President.


{General Meeting}

Article 10:

  1. General Meetings shall consist of the Regular General Meetings and the Extraordinary General Meetings.
  2. Regular General Meetings shall be held once a year in May, and shall carry out discussion over the budget, settlement of account and other important matters.
  3. Extraordinary General Meetings shall be held when the President believes it is required or when more than a half of Directors claim to do so.
  4. Proceedings shall be decided on the approval of majority of attendees.  In the case of a tie, the presiding officer shall make the final decision.


{Board of Directors’ Meeting}

Article 11:

The Board of Directors’ Meeting shall hold discussions over the following items;

  1. Bills submitted to the general meetings.
  2. Execution of items decided by the general meeting.
  3. Execution of the Society’s other works that are not required to be decided upon at the general meetings.

With respect to holding the Board of Directors’ Meetings and the selection of proceedings, the 3rd and 4th provisions of Article 10 shall be applied.


{Membership Fee}

Article 12:

  1. Membership fee of the Society shall be as follows;

Individual : 5,000yen/year;   Student : 2,500yen/year;   Group:10,000yen /year

Supporting member :  30,000yen/year 

  1. Financial resources of the Society shall consist of donation, income from the work, and other kind of incomes, in addition to membership fees.


{Financial Year}

Article 13:

The fiscal year of the Society shall be counted from April 1st of a year through March 31st of the following year.  



Article 14

  1. A Secretary General and a Secretary shall be appointed in the Society.  They shall execute works of the Society.
  2. The Secretary General shall be selected from among the Board of Directors.



Article 15:

A member shall be allowed to withdraw or deprived/expelled from the Society membership in accordance with the decision made by the Board of Directors’ Meeting, when his/her case falls under one of the following items.

  1. When a member expresses his/her will to withdraw from the Society membership.
  2. When a member falls behind in payment of the fee for more than 1 year.
  3. When a member acted against the purpose and purport of the Society or when his/her action caused marked damage to the confidence of the Society.



Article 16:


Detailed regulations with respect to management of the Society shall be decided through discussion in the Meeting of Board of Directors.


浦河町とのインド交流会/Study Seminars with Urakawa





溝上 富夫氏(大阪外国語大学名誉教授)が、瑞宝中綬章を受章されました。 2022年4月付
